1 denunciar
v.denunció a su esposo por malos tratos she reported her husomebodyand to the police for ill-treatment2 to denounce, to condemn.3 to indicate, to reveal.4 to speak up against, to speak out against, to clamor against.5 to arraign.* * ** * *verb1) to denounce2) report* * *VT1) [+ delito, accidente] to reporthan denunciado al director por malversación de fondos — the manager has been reported for embezzlement
2) (=criticar) to condemn, denouncedenunció la política derechista del gobierno — he condemned o denounced the government's right-wing policies
el olor denunciaba la presencia del gas — the smell revealed o indicated the presence of gas
4) † (=presagiar) to foretell* * *verbo transitivo1) <robo/asesinato/persona> to report2) ( condenar públicamente) to denounce, condemn* * *= condemn, denounce, speak out against, blow + the whistle (on), inform on, report, rail against, turn in.Ex. It must, however, also be considered as a major source of the 'subject index illusion' so trenchantly condemned by Bliss, as mentioned below.Ex. Some of the rules were imposed on Panizzi by the Trustees of the British Museum, and Panizzi could only join his critics in denouncing those rules, such as the rules for entry of anonymous publications.Ex. Such restraint creates a ridiculous and pathetic situation in which librarians refuse to speak out against, or work to defeat legislation destructive to libraries such as California's Propositions.Ex. The article ' Blowing the whistle on hazardous exports' warns consumers in developing countries about the practice by transnational corporations of exporting hazardous substances into their countries.Ex. Some view whistleblowing -- defined as informing on illegal or unethical practices in the workplace -- as being undesirable.Ex. Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.Ex. She has vented her frustration over the nation's over-zealous traffic wardens and railed against the littered streets.Ex. Sometimes communities are unwilling to cooperate with police to put a stop to gang behavior, either because of intimidation or unwillingness to turn in members of their own community = A veces las comunidades no están dispuestas a cooperar con la policía para poner fin a la conducta de pandillas, ya sea por intimidación o por no querer delatar a miembros de su propia comunidad.* * *verbo transitivo1) <robo/asesinato/persona> to report2) ( condenar públicamente) to denounce, condemn* * *= condemn, denounce, speak out against, blow + the whistle (on), inform on, report, rail against, turn in.Ex: It must, however, also be considered as a major source of the 'subject index illusion' so trenchantly condemned by Bliss, as mentioned below.
Ex: Some of the rules were imposed on Panizzi by the Trustees of the British Museum, and Panizzi could only join his critics in denouncing those rules, such as the rules for entry of anonymous publications.Ex: Such restraint creates a ridiculous and pathetic situation in which librarians refuse to speak out against, or work to defeat legislation destructive to libraries such as California's Propositions.Ex: The article ' Blowing the whistle on hazardous exports' warns consumers in developing countries about the practice by transnational corporations of exporting hazardous substances into their countries.Ex: Some view whistleblowing -- defined as informing on illegal or unethical practices in the workplace -- as being undesirable.Ex: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.Ex: She has vented her frustration over the nation's over-zealous traffic wardens and railed against the littered streets.Ex: Sometimes communities are unwilling to cooperate with police to put a stop to gang behavior, either because of intimidation or unwillingness to turn in members of their own community = A veces las comunidades no están dispuestas a cooperar con la policía para poner fin a la conducta de pandillas, ya sea por intimidación o por no querer delatar a miembros de su propia comunidad.* * *denunciar [A1 ]vtA ‹robo/asesinato› to report; ‹persona› to reportyo en tu lugar lo denunciaría if I were you, I'd report him (to the police) o I'd lodge a complaint against him (with the police)Bla escasez denuncia la falta de planificación the shortage reveals o is clear evidence of a lack of planning* * *
denunciar ( conjugate denunciar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹robo/asesinato/persona› to report
2 ( condenar públicamente) to denounce, condemn
denunciar verbo transitivo
1 (un crimen, abuso) to report
2 (a alguien) to press o bring charges: denunciamos al dueño, we pressed charges against the owner
los denunciamos a la policía, we reported them to the police
3 (hacer una crítica) to denounce: la prensa denunció varios casos de soborno, the press reported on a number of attempts at bribery
' denunciar' also found in these entries:
- reportar
- report
- inform
- speak
* * *denunciar vt1. [delito, delincuente] to report;han denunciado el robo de la moto (a la policía) they have reported the theft of the motorbike (to the police);ha denunciado a su esposo por malos tratos she has reported her husband to the police for ill-treatment2. [acusar, reprobar] to condemn;3. [delatar, revelar] to indicate, to reveal;goteras que denuncian el estado de abandono de la casa leaks that betray the state of abandon the house is in4. Pol* * *v/t report; figcondemn, denounce* * *denunciar vt1) : to denounce, to condemn2) : to report (to the authorities)* * *
См. также в других словарях:
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